Youtube SEO Offpage

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SEO Off Page Meaning

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seo off page
SEO Off Page Meaning - Off page SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a website in search engine result pages (SERPs). Many people associate off-page SEO with link building but not only that. Off page SEO is generally related to promotional methods - outside of site design - which aims to boost website rankings higher in search engine results.

Let's start from the beginning ...

What is SEO

Search engine optimization is a term used to describe a set of processes aimed at optimizing a website for search engines. SEO is not only important to get high quality visitors from search engines, but it is also a way to improve the friendliness of site users and increase the credibility of your website.

Search engines use complex algorithms to determine which pages will be included in their index and the order of those pages in search results.

SEO is a way to 'talk' with search engines in a language they can understand and give them more information about your site.

SEO has two main components, On Page and Off Page SEO.

On the SEO page

On Page SEO specifically refers to settings that you can apply to any website so it can be optimized for search engines. Here are some very important On-Page SEO tips are:
  • Has an optimal title and description
  • Appropriate URL structure
  • User-friendly navigation (breadcrumbs, user sitemaps)
  • Optimized internal links
  • Text Formatting (use of h1, h2, bold etc.)
  • Image optimization (image size, exact image name, use of ALT tags)
  • User friendly 404 pages
  • Fast loading page
  • Mobile Friendly Page
  • Fresh quality content (This is always the most important SEO factor!)
  • External links (no broken links or links to 'bad' sites)

You can find out more details about all the above tips in SEO Tips for beginner articles.

Unlike On-page SEO, Off-page SEO refers to activities that you can do outside the boundaries of your site. The most important are:
  1. Link Building
  2. Social media marketing
  3. Social bookmarking

We will examine this in more detail below, but first let me explain about the importance and benefits of off-page SEO.

Why is Off-Page SEO important?

Search engines have been trying for decades to find a way to return the best results to searchers.

To achieve this, they take into account the on-site SEO factors (described above), some quality factors and off-page SEO.

"" Off page SEO gives them a very good indication of how the World (site and other users) view certain websites. ""

A high quality and useful website is likely to have references (links) from other websites; It is more likely to be mentioned on social media (Facebook likes, tweets, Pins, + 1's etc) and this tends to be bookmarked and shared among similar-minded user communities.

What are the benefits of 'off-site SEO' for website owners?

Successful off-site SEO strategies will generate the following benefits for website owners:
  • Ranking Increase - The website gets ranked higher in the SERPs and this also means more traffic.
  • Increase PageRank - even though pagerank is not important anymore. But Google still has its own way to indicate the importance of a website in the eyes of Google.
  • Higher Exposure - Higher ranking also means greater exposure because when a website occupies the top position: get more links, more traffic and more social media mentions. It's like a series of never-ending events where one thing leads to another and then to another etc.

Link Building

Link building is the most popular and effective off-Page SEO method. Basically by building an external link to your website, you try to collect as many 'votes' as you can, so you can get past your competitors and rank higher.

For example, if someone likes this article and references from their site or blog, then it's like telling the search engine that this page has good information.

Over the years, webmasters have been trying to build links to their websites to get higher rankings and they find several ways to increase the number of links. The most popular ways are:

The Blog Directory - like the yellow pages but each entry has links pointing to the website.

Forum Signatures - Many people comment on forums for the purpose of getting links back to their site (including links in their signature).

Comment link - The same concept as forum signature where you will comment on some other sites or blogs in order to get backlinks. Worse, instead of using your real name, you can use keywords so instead of writing 'comments by Alex Chris', you wrote 'comments by How to lose weight'.

Article Directory - By publishing your article in article directories you can get a link (or 2) back to your website. Some article directories only receive unique content while other directories receive something from a spin article until the article has been published.

Shared Content Directory - Websites like hubpages and infobarrel allow you to publish content and you can instead add some links pointing to your website.

Download exchange schemes - Instead of trying to publish content that you can contact with other webmasters and link links. In other words, I can connect your site from me and you can do the same.

In some cases you can even make more complicated exchanges by doing a 3 way link: I link to your website from my website but you link to my website from a different website.

Note that I use the past tense to describe all of the above methods because not only do they not work today, you should not even try them.

If you try to 'cheat' search engines by building artificial links, you're likely to get a penalty rather than a rise in rank (especially when it comes to Google).

Birth of Black-Hat SEO

Link building is an easy way to manipulate search engine algorithms and many spammers try to use them by building link networks that gradually lead to the creation of what is commonly known as black hat SEO.

Google has become very smart in recognizing black hat techniques and with the introduction of Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird (that's how Google Algorithm release is called), they have successfully solved problems and protected their search engine results from spammers.

Of course there are still exceptions but they are making progress in every new algorithmic release and soon none of these tricks will work.

For "follow" or "nofollow"

In addition to the above and to tell webmasters how to link to websites without going through 'link juice' (e.g. in the case of ads), search engines introduce links known as "nofollow" links.

This is a custom tag that you can add to links (for example: "<a href= rel="nofollow"> Youtube SEO Offpage </a>) that tell search engines not to count certain Links As a 'vote of trust' to the referenced website.

This is done so that you can connect to other websites from your blog without taking the risk of getting caught for selling or exchanging links.

As a rule of thumb, you need to add a nofollow tag to all your external links (inside your page) that go to websites you can not trust 100%, to ALL your comment links, to ALL your blogroll links and to ALL banner ad links .

What's a Good Link?

So, if the above link is useless, what's a good link?

First, you must understand that building links is not just about quantity but also about quality.

In other words, it's no longer a matter of how many links point to your site but more important than where these links will come from.

For example, a link from a regular blog does not have the same 'weight' as a link from the New York Times or a link from Matt Cutts's blog (former head of the Google Quality team) is not the same as a link from my blog.

The obvious question is, how can you get this link?

If you ask Google, they will tell you that there is a link pointing to your website should be a natural link. Natural links are exactly like their names. A site owner or blogger likes other sites or blogs and naturally adds a link to his blog.

Does this happen in reality or other myths?

Of course, but you must try very hard to reach this point. Take the example of this blog, there are many incoming links because other webmasters find interesting content and I also link to other sites in my article because I find their content interesting and want to inform my readers about it.

This is a natural link building, links have more value than the reader's point of view and not the search engine's perspective.

The best way to attract links is to publish viable content links that other people want to link to.

If natural links are what I just described above, in which categories are all the other links located?

They fall into the category of artificial links and by adopting such techniques, you increase the risk of getting a manual or algorithmic penalty by Google.

Is guest blog a valid way to build links?

Guest posting can be a valid way to get back links to your website provided you do not do it for links only and you do not overdo it. You can read these 2 articles to get a complete picture of when to receive guest posts on your blog and when to guest posts on other blogs.

Social Media

Social media is part of 'off-site SEO' and if you think about it, it's also a form of link building. It should be noted that almost all the links you get from social media sites are "nofollow" but this does not mean that they have no value whatsoever.

Social Media mentions the more reinforcing as a ranking factor and configuring the right social media profile can also improve SEO.

Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is not as popular as it used to be, but it's still a good way to get traffic to your website. Whatever your niche, you can find websites like tumblr, reddit, twitter, stumbleupon, facebook, scoopit and much more, to promote your website content.


Off-page SEO is as important as SEO in place. If you want your SEO campaign to be successful, you should do both. Thinking about link building is not done the easy way, but try to get links from hard to reach places. The more difficult is getting links, the more value it has.

In the past, you could easily get thousands of links and rank higher but now you have to do more than that. My suggestion is to forget link building together and put all your efforts in creating a great website, promote it correctly and everything else will follow.
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